
About Us

A Site Dedicated to Stock Photo Users

Photolibraries is a resource dedicated to stock photo users. Our site contains helpful guides to finding and using images from both commercial and free sources.

We have compiled listings of all the top agencies in microstock, creative commons libraries and a selection of niche photo types.

Feedback - We'd love to hear from you
It's always good to hear from other image users, your ideas, creative stuff and suggestions you think we could include in our catalogue. Feel free to drop us a note if you have a suggestion. You can respond to any of our newsletter updates directly using the tinyletter service.

Discounts and Free Stuff - Stay up to date
This site is all about sharing useful information; some of it is timely, like special offers and discount coupons. You can get instant updates on these when they happen via our newsletter - some of the discount codes that agencies provide are only for use by e-mail subscribers - they don't allow us to publish them live on the web.

Privacy Policy
We don't think spam and time wasting e-mail are a way to grow good business relationships. The only personal data we collect from our visitors is their e-mail address if they subscribe to the site. We won't sell your contact details or browsing habits.