Travel Image Libraries

Exotic Locations and travel stock image concepts

On this page we have compiled a useful reference of travel related stock image sites. Any general stock image site will likely be able to provide you with prototypical travel images of the most popular cities and tourist destinations but to find contextual images of areas that are off the beaten track you'll likely need to go to a specialist.

These specialist agencies often attract local photographers living in that area, and usually have a better working knowledge of local issues compared to one of the larger stock image houses. That all said with more than 20 million images on some of the leading microstock sites might be the first place to go - these agencies do have a lot of travel subjects covered, often in a somewhat 'bland' fashion!

Images featuring the British Isles and life in Britain
unique image collection from the British library
a small collection of creative commons travel images (free) mostly from the U.K., but also for Asia and North America.

Hot shots from a cool place - Alaskan stock images library
tourism and travel images from the US and Caribbean
stock images specialist for the state of Idaho, USA
stock image collection for Houston and Texas

Asia Pacific
New Zealand macrostock agency
Hawaii based collection from Hawaii, Asia and the pacific
small collection of free to use (attribution license) stock photos of eastern Australia, Tasmania and the 'Red Centre'.

World Coverage

Outdoor Adventure, Landscape Travel Destinations and more
images from around the globe
horrible looking site but comprehensive collection
comprehensive travel and culture in a rights managed collection
the world's leading independent travel photography specialist

national geographic image collection
select images from a collection of more than 10 million transparencies


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