
Stock Photo Guides

Help and Ideas for stock image users

Regardless of your budget, even if it's no budget at all, there are some ways you can save money getting stock photos; either with some form of discount, or simply finding the image you want saving yourself time you can put to better use - we're all busy!



Stock Image Industry Jargon Explained

Royalties, rights managed, extended licenses, comp images... What does it all mean?

Money Saving Tips - Stock Photo Bargain Hunt

Making your stock photo dollar go further and save time, tips to get the biggest discounts

Useful Links
Helpful information about image copyright rules and how to license stock photos.
Find images on several microstock and niche stock photo sites in one search.
A graphic search engine that allows you to find images based on either a sample image you upload or via a browser plugin. Tineye is great for checking if a photo you see online can be purchased via an image agency. You can do the same by dragging an image to Google search, but tin eye seems to work better.

Guide to Free Photo Libraries

free stock photo sites book
Download our report on free stock photo sites. We have compiled a list of 97 sites and compared license terms, photo collection sizes and image resolutions for each in one convenient reference document.

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